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Dream Message:  Be A Shapeshifter To Heal

Dream Message: Be A Shapeshifter To Heal

Hello there!  I am writing to share a dream message with you.  It was a wild and crazy dream, and it is a message for me AND for you.  Do you remember the dream message from my banana-themed cheesy post, Let Go of Expectations and Judgements – Shift My Sh#t? Well, this is NOTHING like that post.  Hahaha! This message is deep. Like real deep. Just forewarning you.  

If you are feeling unsettled, unhappy, triggered or just “off” and want to feel like your self and like your life has meaning and purpose again, then this post is for you. I will share The Dream Message Cliff Notes, The Visual Dream Art, and The Dream Interpretations & Messages in this post. The next post, titled 4 Ways For Shapeshifting Your Mind To Heal , will explain some ways to practice shapeshifting!

If this message below resonates with you, marinate in it for a bit.  Read it again because the dream message has a lot of wisdom in it.  When you are ready and empowered to shift, get to work! You are so worth it 🙂

Thank you for being here! 

Big Hugs To YOU!


The Dream Message “Cliff Notes” Style

  • I am a shapeshifter with my mind and my healing.  
  • YOU are a shapeshifter with YOUR mind and YOUR healing.  
  • Be the eagle to see a higher perspective with life’s experiences and perspectives.
  • Incorporate INTENTIONS, AWARENESS, WILL, and CHOICE, for shifting, healing, soaring, and FLYING HIGH in your life.
  • We are ALL called to do this shapeshifting work to heal and grow.  

The Visual Dream Art

The Lucid Eagle Dream:

Shifted & Transformed

The “Shift” War Dream

Mind Shifting

Dream Interpretations and Messages:

Because of my two separate dreams, the interpretation will be separated and then I will bring it all together wrapped up in a nice healing gift! 

The Lucid Eagle Dream Message

What does this wild dream mean?  I can tell you what it does not mean, for me at least.  I am NOT turning into an eagle.  I can tell you that right now, not happening.  While that would be totally awesome and total Sam from True Blood, this is not what we are called to literally do 🙂 

The Message:

WE ALL CALLED TO BE SHAPESHIFTERS with our thoughts, stories, and beliefs. 

Shapeshifting our mind is a FREEING act and the CHOICE to LET GO of our pains, stories, limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, expectations, judgements, anger, resentment, shame, blame, perfection, insecurities that steals the joy from our life.  It is and has always been our FREE WILL and CHOICE to heal our wounds from our past and our CHOICE to love and live our best and most authentic life.  (read this again to absorb it)

This is NOT easy.  We are human, we have emotions, feelings, opinions, beliefs, and ego. BUT we are called to shapeshift, right now.  

The “Shift” War Dream Message:

There is a war that is going on right now.  And the battleground is in our own minds.  Here are the “deets” of my dream and the interpretation and message. 

  • Who is at war? 
    • Ego and Higher Self.
  • What are they fighting over? 
    • The control rights over letting go of past pains and healing past battle wounds.
  • Who Chooses the Victor?
    • We do. Individually.  


We have TOTAL POWER with who wins the battle in our mind.  It all comes down to our CHOICE.  Do we want to stay with the ego and not heal our wounds and continue on with our “less than” story and suffer? Or do we side with our Higher Self and do the work to feel whole again?  We have free will and the choice is ours.   

Combined Dream Message:


We have the power to create (co-create) the reality we want in our life.  Check in with our mind (mindset). Connect to the Ego and the Higher Self.  Listen to both sides. Ego is loud, Higher Self is soft and subtle.  See the wounds, stories, pains, beliefs from a higher perspective like the eagle and CHOOSE what YOU want in life.  When we do this practice, we have the opportunity to create (co-create) our reality.  Shapeshifting our mind and hearts!

Creating our reality is a FROG Effort. Bringing in one’s beliefs in a higher power is key.  Total team effort! 

6 Steps For Healing While Sleeping

6 Steps For Healing While Sleeping

I am a BIG supporter of utilizing sleep and dreams for deep healing and growth.  As I mentioned in a prior blog post titled, The Healing Power Of Dreams,  I have built my dream muscle over the years to work for my highest good. 

Focusing on my dreams and my intentional sleep practice has been life-changing for my healing.  For most of my life, I just went to sleep. I put on my jammies, got all snuggly in my bed, turned off the light, and slept.  I never fully realized that my 8 hours of sleeping can be an opportunity for healing, wisdom, messages, and assistance. Until now. 

I am sharing my sleep and dream healing practice with the intent to educate or perhaps inspire others to try it out.  As always, do what feels right to you.  

Step 1 – Gratitude

Before bed, reflect on your day.  Tap into your heart and truly review and feel into what you were grateful for that day.  Either say it in your head, write it in your notes on your phone, or write it in a journal.  There are no right or wrongs here.  Our thoughts are more powerful than we realize.  

I will share with you my gratitude journal on 11-3-20. 

Today I am grateful for my family. My whole entire family (extended). I am grateful they are well, healthy, and safe. I love them so much.

Today I am grateful for the message I received from my spiritual team and I am grateful for the nudge to share the message with others who are open to receiving it. 

I am grateful for the push and messages to get my blog out. Get out of my head and just do it! 

I am grateful for feeling uncomfortable because I know this is a sign that I am growing. 

I am grateful for Ken’s love and support. 

I am grateful for the laughter I hear from Sean’s room right now. 

I am grateful for the mentors and teachers I have in my life.

I am grateful for the meditations I did today.

I am grateful for my friends. 

I am grateful for my health. I was able to walk and exercise and that makes me so happy. 

I am grateful for the time I had today to do all these things. 

Thank you for this day. I am so grateful for experiencing life today.

Deep gratitude, right? I am a total deep person, haha.  My entries are not always like this, however. Some days I am just grateful for my breath and that is enough.  Reflecting and giving thanks for all the gifts you experienced each day is a life-changing tool to practice.  For me, it is an instant shift in mindset and my energy.  

I believe this practice also sets the stage for the next step.

Step 2 Set Intentions for Sleep

What do you wish to receive that is for your highest good while you sleep?  Healing, guidance, messages, assistance, etc?  I ask my spiritual team for this request.  I can be very specific with my intentions or I can simply ask to receive whatever is for my highest good.

My personal belief is that my spiritual team (my spirit, my angels of light, my loved ones, my ancestors, my guides, my Source) are waiting to be of service to me.  I just need to ask them and truly be ready and open to receive.   Whatever your personal belief is, go with that.  Go with whatever feels right in your heart and whatever you feel comfortable with.  When I first started doing this work, my team was God. As I have grown spiritually, I have a whole posse!

Here is an example of my sleep intentions:

While I sleep, I humbly ask my spiritual team for continued emotional healing to occur.

I humbly ask to receive wisdom and guidance in areas of healing that I am ready to work on in my waking moments.  

I am ready to heal.  I am ready to do the work.  I am ready to grow.  

Thank you for this healing, messages, and awareness, that is for my highest good, while I sleep.  

Again, it is pretty deep.  Some nights, I am just too tired and I simply ask to receive love while I sleep.  That is enough and totally ok. The point here is to simply set your intention.  Wishes are powerful! 

Step 3 – Rise and Shine with Gratitude

Waking up with gratitude is very important. (Do you see a pattern with the gratitude thing?) Thank your Source, the Universe, God, angels of light (whatever your beliefs are) as soon as you wake up.  Thank them for another day, thank them for being alive, thank them for the dreams you remembered, whatever feels right.  Simply start your day with a healthy dose of thanks.  

Step 4 – Sit and Write

Did you have any dreams?  As soon as you wake up and give your thanks, write out your dreams. Do the best you can.  Most likely, your dreams will be super weird, and head-scratching.  That is ok.  Just write whatever you can remember, even if it is just one word, a feeling, or a song that was playing. And if you cannot remember anything, that is ok, too!  Trust that if you are not remembering your dreams, then it was for a reason. There is nothing wrong with you or what you did. Having certain expectations with this practice will absolutely create distress. So, let go of expectations. Simply believe in your heart that you received healing.

Here is my messy, unedited recent dream that I journaled in my phone under notes:

Christmas jammies

Doug asked me what does the pocket say on my jammies?

I didn’t try them on yet and had no idea what it said.

Saw Ken’s cousin. I thought her name was Stacie. It wasn’t.  We were in the car. She asked for my number so I went in the glove compartment and got paper out. It was paper deep in the bottom. And my mom wrote on the back of the paper. I thought her number was one thing but she had a different number. I thought maybe Bc she lived up north.

I was with Ken at a house. Split level house. My mom was there. We were outside in the driveway on a date. Maybe in the car. And I ate tuna fish. After I ate it, I was shocked because it was meat. 

In the driveway still. Something with the car and taking it to get it fixed or cleaned?  Another family was there too. I was shocked they were home so soon after they took it to get cleaned and fixed. 

I went to get a mammogram. A guy did it.  Kelly D was there

Song playing in head nonstop – Madonna’s Ray of Light song

Step 5 – Interpret the Dream or Let it Sit

This is a personal choice in my opinion, and I encourage people to do what feels right to them.  

If I remember my dreams, I do attempt to interpret my dreams that day because most times, there is usually a message in there for me.  HOWEVER, this is not always the case.  When I have no clue what the heck the dream means to me, I let it sit, with the intention to review it later. I have learned that my dreams will give me the messages I need at that moment.  Not what I want.  With this understanding, I have faith more messages are to come. So, the reminder to myself is TO BE PATIENT! 

Let’s talk about the interpretation.  Dream interpretation is an intuitive muscle and EVERYONE can grow this muscle with intention and practice.  It is important to breathe, relax, and quiet the mind. Do your best to not “think” too much about the outcome of your interpretation, the fine details in the dream and/or not having a clue what the heck it means.  Trust whatever pops in your head and just write it.  When we trust that soft, subtle, quick, whisper in our head, THAT is our intuition. Just go with it.  

In the past, I have googled the meaning of my dreams. Researching on the internet has helped me AND it has hurt me. I can easily go down that Google rabbit hole. When this happens, I have moved out of my heart-space and into my head-space and I am being unproductive. Dream interpretation is most definitely a practice that takes awareness and balance. In future posts, I will share ways that helped me build this intuitive muscle.  

This is my interpretation of my dream:

I am having a hard time seeing clearly what the messages are. 

I think I have the “number” on what is happening in life right now but I don’t. These are assumptions. 

I will do things I never did bf.

The key is to continue to keep my “vessel” clean. 

This whole thing that is happening in this world is to clean the mess.

Recording and interpreting a dream is NOT to be stressful. When I do this practice and I notice that I am beating myself up or stressed out for not remembering to set my intentions or to write in my dream or gratitude journal, that is my BIG sign to pause and reflect.  Perfectionism has no place in my healing practice.  BUT, it happens because I am human 🙂

I must shift to the mindset of “Just do the best I can. I am enough. Progress, not perfection.  JUST BREATHE.” is key for me. I learned about these statements in my recovery. While they seem very simply stated, they are powerful and life-changing when I practice this mindset and mindful shift.

Step 6 – Be Present and Live Life!

Now that you did all your sleep/dream-work, go be present and live life.  Make the present day count.  Set intentions for what you wish for in the day. If your dream had a message for you, keep it in your awareness for that day. Do what you feel called to do with the message. And don’t forget to smile, live, love, and shine!

Thank you for reading and being open to my healing practice! If my personal sleep/dream-work steps have been helpful to you, great! If it doesn’t resonate, that is totally fine, too.  We are all different and what resonates with one person may not resonate with another.  Follow your heart and do what feels right.

Please share your own practice or experiences in the comments.  I am always open to learning more! Questions are always welcome too!

Big Hugs!


Healing Poems: The “Whole” Dream

Healing Poems: The “Whole” Dream

I wrote this poem on 11-1-20. Our dreams and art can be healing if we are open and ask to receive the healing and messages. Keep a dream journal, be open to creating, and set intentions to receive healing, guidance, and messages while you sleep! I explain how I do this practice in the post 6 Steps for Healing While Sleeping. Check it out if dreams and healing while sleeping resonates with you!

As you can see, I connect and express my heart and soul through my writing, poetry, and art. Creating for me is a doorway to my higher self. Do you connect to your Self? If you feel inclined to share here, please share away! I would be honored to read and see your expression! I believe we all learn when we share our creativity and gifts.

Thank you for reading my poetry.

Big Hugs!


The "Whole" Dream
I had a wild dream,
On the night of the full moon.
Was it just a coincidence?
No, it was telling me to prune.

Dreams are quite crazy.
They don't really make sense.
But when I stop to look into,
I have compete awareness.

It is clear as day to me,
What the dream is guiding me to do.
The elements are chiming in.
I have more shedding for the new.

For myself personally,
I need to do more work.
The sun draws light on my shadows.
The wind stirs the pot and jerks.

This jerk is a loving push,
To drop more dead leaves from my tree.
I see very clearly what they are now.
And I can observe it with no feelings. 

My dream identified what to drop,
One by one the wind assists.
The fall is the releasing and shedding,
And love transmutation is my wish.

To be very open and honest,
This is what was revealed to me.
As I approach closer to my purpose,
I need to be more trusting.

Not trusting of others.
More trusting of my voice.
The work that I choose to share,
Will likely create some noise.

I was also shown very clearly,
My expectations need to leave.
If I choose to share these messages,
Dont expect all love to be received.

That pattern of outside validation,
Is and WILL hold me back.
See you later codependence,
I am no longer feeling this lack.

I set the intention to release.
I set the intention to repair.
I visualize my Self whole again.
I use my voice and I am ready to share!

The Healing Power of Dreams

The Healing Power of Dreams

Do you remember your dreams? Don’t sweat it if you don’t. I don’t always remember either.

Over the years, I kept reading about the importance of dreams. I read that our dreams are the doorway to our subconscious mind and the “unseen” world. Dreams can be healing. To be honest, it sounded like over-my-head psychological and deep spiritual bologna, yet….. I was still intrigued.

So, I decided to try it out one day because clearly, I had nothing to lose here. I really wanted to feel better. I tried it out on 5/23/2018. My expectations the night before, in “typical Tara fashion”, was super-duper high. (This was how I rolled back then.) I was totally expecting a detailed and deep look into my subconscious mind with a roadmap of what I need to work on. This is what I woke with….


Tara’s Dream Journal

That was all I could remember!! I was so frustrated! But, it didn’t stop me. My next dream was 2 weeks later. And that was….

Native Indian protecting

Tara’s Dream Journal

Wow! I thought this is improving, yay!!!

Two weeks later, My dream was…

The song “Never Enough” from The Greatest Showman was playing.

My grandfather who passed away was making a dessert.

I swallowed a vitamin.

I saw a group of people inspecting my trash outside.

Tara’s Dream Journal

Do you see a pattern? I was remembering more details in my dreams! I also learned that one dream may not give me all the insight I “want”, but when I combine them, it was giving me the insight I “needed” for the “Whole” Tara picture.

Through the years, I have used my dreams as part of my personal healing practice. My dream recall and dream interpretation have improved greatly. It is most definitely a muscle I have built. I have learned that my wishes or intentions are powerful too. When I started setting the intention to receive healing and/or guidance when I sleep, my dream world magically opened up more doors for me.

Going back to my dream journal entries above, I want to share something super cool that happened a year later.

I was having some heavy and sad emotions one September day in 2019. I felt an urge to draw. I grabbed a pencil and just started, with no plan in my head. The final picture was a Native Indian and his name was 3 Feathers. I was the little warrior standing next to him. His message was, Continue to fight Tara!

Intuitive Artwork – Guide’s Message – You Are A Fighting Warrior

Coincidence? I think not!

The Lesson:

Don’t underestimate the power of wishes, dreams, faith and consistent personal work. We are not “A-lone wolf in this world. WE ARE NOT ALONE!

If this post resonates with you, please check out my next post titled 6 Steps For Healing While Sleeping. We can all receive healing and messages while sleeping. You can do this too!!!!

Big Hugs!


How To “Clearly See” Guilt, Blame, & Shame

How To “Clearly See” Guilt, Blame, & Shame

Dreams To “See”

Hi there! Dreams! I. Love. Dreams! Dreams have been so insightful for me when I take a moment to set intentions before bed and ask to receive wisdom. “Seeing” areas that need my healing attention are not always “clear” in my everyday awaken state. But in my dream state, WOW! I receive lots of clarity.

My dream practice has 100% given me direction and clarity over the years. I am so grateful for them. I wrote about this dream practice in the blog post, 6 Steps for Healing While Sleeping. I encourage you to check it out if you wish to learn more.

I truly believe that sharing real-life examples with others can be a teaching tool. Some healing methods may resonate with you. Other ways may not. And that is totally cool. There are so many different healing modalities out there. We have the choice and free will to decide which tools resonate/work for us. For me, having a choice is so empowering!

It is so important for me to keep learning ways to grow and evolve. Keep showing up. Keep practicing. Never stopping. Because this work is NEVER done. As my one dream reminded me, we are called to Be A Shapeshifter To Heal our hearts.

So, without further ado,

I share with you now, my deeply personal dream and journaling on……

How I was able to “clearly see” my deeply rooted Guilt, Blame, and Shame.

Stay tuned for the follow up Blog Posts!

Big Hugs To YOU!


Tara’s Dream and Sleep Intention

I humbly ask to receive while sleeping …..

Love, light, and messages/guidance that are for my highest good and awareness.

Thank you!

Tara’s Reoccurring Dream

My mom, who was alive but very sick in this dream,  wanted to go back to her old house that was sold. And I made it happen, but this decision caused me major stress and guilt. We snuck into her old house while the owners were at work. I did this for her, and I did not think about myself or the other people involved. I just wanted to make her happy. 


While making her happy, I was annoyed. I was tired. I was worried and I lived in fear that I would be caught.   I wasn’t happy. But my mom was happy.

Tara’s Dream Interpretation

A journal entry chat with my spirit and guides:

My Question to My Guides:

Reoccurring dream with me. Why? 

My Guide’s Response:

This dream brings to light times when you only took your mom’s “wants” into account and dismissed your wants and needs.


This dream brings to light unprocessed, unresolved, and unaddressed feelings and emotions during these times with you and your mom.


This repeated dream is letting you know that there is a scratch on your “record”. And your awareness and energy are needed to find the scratch, and “buff” it out so the “record” completes playing all the “Life Lesson Songs” in your album.


See the image below. This is your album that holds some of your “Life’s Lessons” with your mom. This reoccurring dream wants you to go back to one specific time with your mom.

My Response:

Thank you guides. I appreciate this info. But I am “stuck” as to why there is a scratch. I don’t “see” it. To be honest, I “felt” that I was aware of the lessons that this experience with my mom was teaching me. I practiced self-love. I felt grateful for the experiences and I felt good with my choices.


Can you please give me more insight into this scratch?

My Guide’s Response:

Yes. You WERE very “in tune” with the lessons with your mom and you DID consciously make choices that practiced self-love. However, unconsciously, feelings, emotions, and stories did attach to this “record”, thus, creating the big ole’ scratch.

My Response:

REALLY???? Please share more……

My Guide’s Response:

Do you rememeber that one day when you and your mom had a very heated “discussion” while she was eating?

My Response:

How could I forget that day. It is imprinted in my mind.

My Guide’s Response:

Good, go deeper. Walk through that moment in your mind. This is where the scratch is.

My Response:

My mom was under Hospice care.


She was frustrated that day. She wanted solid foods.


Reluctantly, I gave her solid foods that morning.


I was on edge and stressed out while she ate her meal. I was fearful she would choke. I was worried that I would have to do the Heimlich on her, again.


My mom felt that I was watching her every swallow. She was getting even more frustrated because I was watching her like a hawk.


She began choking. But luckily, I did not have to do the Heimlich.


She took out her frustrations on me. She yelled and blamed me for her choking because I made her nervous.


In desperation, I yelled back and said…..

Mom, I am done!


I can no longer make you happy anymore!


I can no longer save you!


I can no longer continue this dance of me feeding you, you choke, then I save you.


I may be saving you, but I am dying inside.


I wish I can change the reality of this horrific situation and disease. But….I CAN’T.


It is time for us both to accept this reality.



My Guide’s Response:

Very good Tara. What emotions are overtaking you right now.

My Response:

Guilt – Sadness – Fear

My Guide’s Response:

Go deeper…..Why is that?

My Response:

After I expressed myself and put up that self-love boundary, something happened.

I felt and saw her fears of death.

I felt and saw her guilt of asking me to save her.

I felt and saw her sadness that her life was soon ending.

My Guide’s Response:

Anything else? There is still more Tara.

My Response:

She apologized. I apologized. We cried. We held hands. We exchanged love.


I remember the sponge bath I gave her that morning. We had a moment. While I cannot speak for her, I was fully present in that moment. I massaged her legs and her arms. I gave her my love that was healthy for me. She accepted the love.


She died a week later.

My Guide’s Response:

Beautiful Tara. You most definetly had a spirtual moment with her. An exchange of healthy love.


The last sentence you wrote…..She died a week later, needs some more attention. A big part of the scratch in your record resides there. So go there.

My Response:

I am blaming myself for her death.

I believe I killed my mom.

My Guide’s Response:

Tara, this is where you are stuck in fully completing the record album of “Life Lessons of Self Love.”


You have 2 areas that you need to release and “buff” out.


1- Let Go of your mom’s fear, guilt, anger, and sadness that you absorbed that day. She wants you to release it.


2 – Let Go of the untrue story that you unconsciously created after she passed away. You did not kill her. Both of your guilt, blame, and shame reside in this scratch.


Go buff Tara. You know you have the power to release, shift and heal.

My Response:

Thank you. I feel like a truck just hit me. I am so very grateful for this dream and for your assistance. My spirit and I have some healing work to do.

Journal Ended

I truly hope and wish that my story can open up a healing doorway for you. Stay tuned for more shares with how I healed.
