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Dreams To “See”

Hi there! Dreams! I. Love. Dreams! Dreams have been so insightful for me when I take a moment to set intentions before bed and ask to receive wisdom. “Seeing” areas that need my healing attention are not always “clear” in my everyday awaken state. But in my dream state, WOW! I receive lots of clarity.

My dream practice has 100% given me direction and clarity over the years. I am so grateful for them. I wrote about this dream practice in the blog post, 6 Steps for Healing While Sleeping. I encourage you to check it out if you wish to learn more.

I truly believe that sharing real-life examples with others can be a teaching tool. Some healing methods may resonate with you. Other ways may not. And that is totally cool. There are so many different healing modalities out there. We have the choice and free will to decide which tools resonate/work for us. For me, having a choice is so empowering!

It is so important for me to keep learning ways to grow and evolve. Keep showing up. Keep practicing. Never stopping. Because this work is NEVER done. As my one dream reminded me, we are called to Be A Shapeshifter To Heal our hearts.

So, without further ado,

I share with you now, my deeply personal dream and journaling on……

How I was able to “clearly see” my deeply rooted Guilt, Blame, and Shame.

Stay tuned for the follow up Blog Posts!

Big Hugs To YOU!


Tara’s Dream and Sleep Intention

I humbly ask to receive while sleeping …..

Love, light, and messages/guidance that are for my highest good and awareness.

Thank you!

Tara’s Reoccurring Dream

My mom, who was alive but very sick in this dream,  wanted to go back to her old house that was sold. And I made it happen, but this decision caused me major stress and guilt. We snuck into her old house while the owners were at work. I did this for her, and I did not think about myself or the other people involved. I just wanted to make her happy. 


While making her happy, I was annoyed. I was tired. I was worried and I lived in fear that I would be caught.   I wasn’t happy. But my mom was happy.

Tara’s Dream Interpretation

A journal entry chat with my spirit and guides:

My Question to My Guides:

Reoccurring dream with me. Why? 

My Guide’s Response:

This dream brings to light times when you only took your mom’s “wants” into account and dismissed your wants and needs.


This dream brings to light unprocessed, unresolved, and unaddressed feelings and emotions during these times with you and your mom.


This repeated dream is letting you know that there is a scratch on your “record”. And your awareness and energy are needed to find the scratch, and “buff” it out so the “record” completes playing all the “Life Lesson Songs” in your album.


See the image below. This is your album that holds some of your “Life’s Lessons” with your mom. This reoccurring dream wants you to go back to one specific time with your mom.

My Response:

Thank you guides. I appreciate this info. But I am “stuck” as to why there is a scratch. I don’t “see” it. To be honest, I “felt” that I was aware of the lessons that this experience with my mom was teaching me. I practiced self-love. I felt grateful for the experiences and I felt good with my choices.


Can you please give me more insight into this scratch?

My Guide’s Response:

Yes. You WERE very “in tune” with the lessons with your mom and you DID consciously make choices that practiced self-love. However, unconsciously, feelings, emotions, and stories did attach to this “record”, thus, creating the big ole’ scratch.

My Response:

REALLY???? Please share more……

My Guide’s Response:

Do you rememeber that one day when you and your mom had a very heated “discussion” while she was eating?

My Response:

How could I forget that day. It is imprinted in my mind.

My Guide’s Response:

Good, go deeper. Walk through that moment in your mind. This is where the scratch is.

My Response:

My mom was under Hospice care.


She was frustrated that day. She wanted solid foods.


Reluctantly, I gave her solid foods that morning.


I was on edge and stressed out while she ate her meal. I was fearful she would choke. I was worried that I would have to do the Heimlich on her, again.


My mom felt that I was watching her every swallow. She was getting even more frustrated because I was watching her like a hawk.


She began choking. But luckily, I did not have to do the Heimlich.


She took out her frustrations on me. She yelled and blamed me for her choking because I made her nervous.


In desperation, I yelled back and said…..

Mom, I am done!


I can no longer make you happy anymore!


I can no longer save you!


I can no longer continue this dance of me feeding you, you choke, then I save you.


I may be saving you, but I am dying inside.


I wish I can change the reality of this horrific situation and disease. But….I CAN’T.


It is time for us both to accept this reality.



My Guide’s Response:

Very good Tara. What emotions are overtaking you right now.

My Response:

Guilt – Sadness – Fear

My Guide’s Response:

Go deeper…..Why is that?

My Response:

After I expressed myself and put up that self-love boundary, something happened.

I felt and saw her fears of death.

I felt and saw her guilt of asking me to save her.

I felt and saw her sadness that her life was soon ending.

My Guide’s Response:

Anything else? There is still more Tara.

My Response:

She apologized. I apologized. We cried. We held hands. We exchanged love.


I remember the sponge bath I gave her that morning. We had a moment. While I cannot speak for her, I was fully present in that moment. I massaged her legs and her arms. I gave her my love that was healthy for me. She accepted the love.


She died a week later.

My Guide’s Response:

Beautiful Tara. You most definetly had a spirtual moment with her. An exchange of healthy love.


The last sentence you wrote…..She died a week later, needs some more attention. A big part of the scratch in your record resides there. So go there.

My Response:

I am blaming myself for her death.

I believe I killed my mom.

My Guide’s Response:

Tara, this is where you are stuck in fully completing the record album of “Life Lessons of Self Love.”


You have 2 areas that you need to release and “buff” out.


1- Let Go of your mom’s fear, guilt, anger, and sadness that you absorbed that day. She wants you to release it.


2 – Let Go of the untrue story that you unconsciously created after she passed away. You did not kill her. Both of your guilt, blame, and shame reside in this scratch.


Go buff Tara. You know you have the power to release, shift and heal.

My Response:

Thank you. I feel like a truck just hit me. I am so very grateful for this dream and for your assistance. My spirit and I have some healing work to do.

Journal Ended

I truly hope and wish that my story can open up a healing doorway for you. Stay tuned for more shares with how I healed.
