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Hi there! I had a great dream message and a powerful experience yesterday. As you know, I am big on healing these days. And I do this work through sleep and dream intentions, shapeshifting my mind, journaling, writing poetry, and doodling/intuitive art therapy. I write about some of these tools that I find useful in past posts titled 6 Steps For Healing While Sleeping and 4 Steps For Shapeshifting Mind To Heal.

I am very excited to share this dream message and experience with you! Perhaps it will resonate with you too?!?

The Dream Message:

Let Go of Expectations and Judgements. Expectations and judgements will steel the joy from your day and dim your beautiful light. This is a choice. Be aware. Shift. Let this go. Practice this.

I really appreciated this dream message but I didn’t understand why I received it.

Until…. I went on Facebook!!! (lol Shocker)

Here is how it all went down and came together.

Real Life Example

I was drinking my coffee, doing my normal morning thing, scrolling on fb.

And then it happened…….

My “friend” posted something that annoyed the crap out of me.

For a good half hour, I was so annoyed and I was really spewing out judgement towards this friend (in my head of course, not fb 🤣). I felt so yucky and my day only started a half hour ago.

Then, I remembered my dream message!

“Expectations and judgments will steel my joy and light.”

By golly, the expectations I unknowingly set for this friend and then the judgements I brought in was in fact steeling the beauty out of my morning!

And quite frankly, who am I to judge! We are ALL welcome to have our own beliefs. These expectations, judgements and this ego needs to go!

It was like a lightbulb moment for me and I was filled with so much gratitude for the dream, for the message, for the fb experience, AND for my awareness.

It didn’t end there though. I knew I needed to shift my dark sh#t fast if I wanted to experience a Brady Bunch style “sunshine day”. So I visualized.

Do you want a peek into my head to see what I visualized to release the expectations and judgements?

Ok! Now remember, the collective message here is to have no expectations and to hold no judgements, so don’t be judging me. Haha.

I visualized a banana.

This banana is my favorite fruit in the whole wide world!

Eating a banana always feeds my body with its healing goodness.

I shine when I eat “the banana.”

This banana is my lightsaber.

I wanted to eat it but the thick peel was getting in the way.

(Story paused – if you are a guy going someplace else with my visualization, get your head out of the gutter. 🤣. This is my innocent healing visualization buddy.)

Story continued 😊 – So, one by one, I peeled off the banana peel.

Each piece I peeled off represented the expectations and judgements I had towards my friend.

I was letting go of all of it today. I let go of my ego, too.

And then I said in my head,

“Bye, Felicia. Time to bring in some light and joy!”

Bam! “Shift” happened! 🙂

I let go of the expectations and judgements, and I took my power back.

I ate the banana – My little lightsaber!

I CHOSE to have a joyful, peaceful, loving, and balanced day.

I CHOSE to shine bright, love and light into our world: Simply by imagining a banana 🙂

And that is how my dream message and my real life experience went down that day! I bet when you eat a banana now, you will think differently of it! Haha.

Shifting isn’t always easy for me. Practicing this awareness is work, too. But…. from my personal experience, I am always happier in the long run when I practice. I am worthy of being happy! And my happiness starts within. 🙂 Happiness to me is feeling in my heart love, gratitude, compassion, empathy, understanding, and unity. It is not easy right now. It is so important for me to be aware and practice.

I am choosing to peel off the dark layers of the banana that is getting in the way, to experience my “sunshine day.” I am the Rose in bloom. I am a care bear. I am a light saber. I am light.

I hope my dream message and personal experience that I shared can be of service to others. 🍌❤️ And most importantly, please share ways how you shift YOUR sh#t. I love incorporating new and different visualizations in my healing work. My banana one is getting over ripe! hahaha

Thank you so much for being here! Big Hugs to YOU!


If you would like to learn more about healing and shifting, check out these two blog posts and continue to keep learning, healing and growing!!! You are worth it!

6 Steps For Healing While Sleeping

4 Steps For Shapeshifting Mind To Heal