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Hi there!  Thank you for being here!

As you know, my passion is healing and co-creating the life that I wish for. In my last post, titled, Dream Message – Be A Shapeshifter to Heal, I shared an intuitive message from my guides. We are all being called to be shapeshifters with our minds to heal our hearts. If you would like the detailed dream message, I encourage you to check out the post!

In this post, I will share with you the steps that I practice to shapeshift my mind and to heal my heart. Let’s jump right into the steps!

Step 1 – Create The Foundation

What does Shapeshifting our mind for healing self really mean?  

It means that we 100% MUST believe that healing self and shifting our mindset is absolutely possible.  There is NO room for skepticism AND there is NO “ifs, ands, or buts”! 

We all have the power with our choices, awareness, and commitment to create this reality no matter what the circumstances are – past, present, and future. 

The key to this shapeshifting practice is that you NEED to believe, trust, and have faith that this reality IS possible. 

So my question to you right now is……

Do you believe you can shift your mind, heal your heart, and co-create the life you desire?

If you do, give your affirmation a “HELL YEAH!” like you mean it!  

That was really weak, just saying….


Say it and feel it like this kid! Come on! Put some energy and momentum towards this foundation!

NICE!  Much better!  Your foundation is solid!  Now we can move onto the next step: Intention Setting!

Step 2: Set Intentions

What do you want in life? Identify what you want for your future self.

Some examples of my intentions/dreams have been:

  • To live my life in color again! 
  • To feel joy in my life, no matter what is happening around me.
  • To feel free to speak my truth.
  • To feel free to be me.
  • To experience an abundant life full of peace, love, joy. 

After you have put some time into identifying your wishes, now it’s time to put some energy into it! And make it come to life!  You have to FEEL into these intentions like they already happened!  The energy you put into this step is key.  

In this step, I get very specific with my intentions because the universe is listening! I visualize it, feel it, and draw it like it already happened! Sometimes I even do a happy dance like Carlton!

The key in this step is to go to your future self and time and experience the energy! Have faith in the universe and your spiritual posse’ that your wishes have been granted!

Step 3: Practice Awareness

After you set your intentions, and you released it into the universe, come back to the present time. Let go of any thoughts wanting to control your future intention’s outcome. This ego tendency is very counterproductive. It is time to flow and start the work in the “now” moment. And this starts with your awareness.

It is important to practice awareness if you want to shapeshift your mind to create the life you want.  Do you know who needs to be your best friend for this step?  


Emotional triggers are painful but important in this awareness step.  They really do a great job at poking at our wounds that need some love and attention.  

Have you ever had a low or negative emotion/reaction to something that was way over the top elevated? Perhaps anxiety, sadness, or anger follows? That is a red flag for your awareness!

Below are some random examples of red flags and triggers:

  • Someone does not respond to your texts or calls and you cannot let it go. You go down a rabbit hole of the possible reasons why and most are pertaining to your self worth. Trigger
  • Someone “accidentally” cuts you off driving or won’t let you in a lane. Your reaction is RAGE and ANGER that lasts too long. Trigger.
  • You cannot figure out the directions to something and you FREAK out. Trigger.
  • You are uncharacteristically running late and the stress that follows is unnecessarily over the top. Trigger.

The Law of Reflection is a really helpful concept to bring into this awareness step. Have you ever heard of this? Basically, the gist to this Universal/Spiritual Law is that life is a mirror and this mirror will literally reflect back to us a version of our self. I saw this meme on Facebook and I really understood it! hahah

I will give you an example of how I applied this concept to my everyday life.  

A newsperson on TV would really push my buttons. His mere presence, on TV, made me SO annoyed. I thought he was a “phony bologna” and I did not like it at all! (I was being so judgy and it was a red flag for me, too.)

This is where I brought in my awareness. There was no doubt this elevated reaction was some type of trigger and I knew the Law of Reflection was coming into play here.

I paused, and asked my self, what is the Universe highlighting for me here?

After some journaling, I was able to get to the root. The mirror was showing me the times in my life where I subconsciously felt that I was a “phony bologna” and I wasn’t being my true self. I was being something that I “thought” I needed to be in order to be loved and accepted.

This mirror allowed me to lean into this part of me to begin the healing work.  Love, Compassion, Forgiveness was brought into the Shapeshifting mix, and guess what?  I now see the newsperson with a loving, compassionate lens.  No more judgments!  Only love! Yay! Happy Dance for me!

This example was a little long-winded but I felt it was needed because this Law helps so much in shapeshifting.

So remember, practice awareness! Keep your eyes wide open to subtle or big reactions/emotions to situations and remember to take a look in the Universal mirror of reflection. When you do this, you are now ready for the big doozy step. The Work!

Step 4: Do The Work – Just Go There

If you REALLY want what you wished for, you HAVE to feel into the uncomfortableness of the emotional trigger.  You must look in the mirror and self reflect. I have learned that most of the time, my triggers have nothing to do with the other person.  It is always about me and my unaddressed or unhealed wounds  

When you do this step, two key players will always come into the mix and it is important to know more about their “special-ness”.  

So, allow me to introduce you to them in a cheesy way and please enjoy this visual I see in my head.

(An Announcer Voice)

Introducing The Ego-Mind!!!!

The Ego-Mind LOVES to protect you at all costs. Ego, for short, DOES NOT WANT you “to go there” to revisit the painful moment(s). So, if you feel resistance to go deep, know it’s just your friend Ego and know, even more, YOU BETTER JUST GO THERE!

Besides knowing all your wounds, Ego knows there are some un-serving beliefs, stories, perspective, and self-talk full of blame and shame that you are holding on to.

Ego is always in favor of expectations, judgments, perfectionism, comparisons, victimization, fears, complaining, and criticizing self and others, because these behaviors assist Ego in protecting YOU from getting to the root of the wound and feeling the pain.

Give it up real loud for The EGO!!!!!!

(Softer and loving announcer voice)

Now it is time to introduce The Higher Self ❤️

Higher self loves you so much and knows you best. Self, for short, WANTS you “to go there” to heal and to become whole again.

Self too knows all your wounds and WANTS you to learn from these experiences and attach a new loving story to them. A storyline that is all about love, empowerment, compassion, empathy, forgiveness.

Self is always in favor of life mottos like,

“Progress, not Perfection” — “You are doing the best you can.” — “You did the best you could in that moment.” — “Feel to Heal” — “You are never alone.” — “FROG – Fully rely on God.” — “You ARE ENOUGH!”

Self is always challenging you to go deeper and ask, “what am I being called to learn here about myself? What is the lesson? How can I learn, heal and grow?”

Please give a big virtual hug for The Higher Self!

(Announcer voice ended, back to deep talk)

Now that you know the voices in your mind when you “go there” to do the work, and feel into the pain, you will be more equipped to choose the voice and wisdom you want to listen to.  

For me, I practice this  “Going There” work through journaling.  I let both players speak and have a voice.  Ego always starts first and it is the loudest voice in my head. I let Ego say whatever it wants.  No filter.  Then, I pause, take a deep breath and let Self have a voice.  

I ultimately choose who I want to listen to. Most of the time, my Higher Self wins control over my mind and wounds these days. It may not be instantaneous. It can take days, weeks, months for me to hear both sides to the trigger and wound. But I tend to lean towards my Higher Self for the win. This takes a lot of practice.

The Work by Bryon Katie has helped me sort through my emotions when I first started. I highly suggest checking out her site if you are committed to doing this shapeshifting work. It is free!

Going there and doing The Work allows me to shift my mind into a state of peace, joy, love, etc.  I speak of this step without the emotions attached to it.  Just know, emotions are high and elevated when practicing this work.  And that is GOOD!  Deep Feels are Deep Heals!

Final Tips and Visual Messages

We are all being called to be a Shapeshifter.  This message has been consistent and loud and clear for me.  The light is bringing up all our shadows.  The time is now to do the work!   Let go of the untrue stories and wounds that are holding us back from living the life we are here to live. We are being called to “Go there. And Shift”

I shared the steps that I practice daily.  But I also bring into my shapeshifting work energies and my faith to co-create my wish. 

I personally like to add a little fun and magic to shapeshifting my mind for healing. I am a visual person so I draw my visualizations. As you can see, I am a mutt of all different energies!

I bring in the eagle’s sharp eye for clear seeing and the higher perspective.
I call in the Lion for strength and courage “to go there”.
I become a wolf and call in my pack of wolves for support. These are my guides and loved ones in spirit.
I become a tree and ground my roots for stability and calmness.
I call to my Source and the Angels of Light. I surrender the heaviness to them.
I am always being the FROG, Fully Rely On God, and taking the leap of faith.

Does this post resonate with you?  If so, then I encourage you to keep your mind open to learning more about awareness, intentions, mindfulness, healing, and manifestation.   Follow others on social media or blogs that really make you light up!  Fill your mind and space with people who are shifting and lifting!  And if you have mentors, please share your faves in the comments!  My favorite social media mentors are Jay and Radhi Shetty, hands down!  

Thank you again for being here!  

Big Hugs!  
