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The Rose Message

Divine healing messages are all around us in our waking days and our sleepy and dreamy nights! Do you believe this? Do you experience it?

If someone said that statement to me two years ago, I would be skeptical and a little scared. Hahaha. But, the “today Tara” believes it. 100%!!!!

I truly believe this because I now experience it. And it is so incredibly awesome knowing that I am fully loved and supported, unconditionally. When I moved from a constant state of “doing” my life from a head space into a state of “being” fully present and grateful in my life from my heart space, divine messages started appearing! The “shift” was happening! I was shifting my sh#t. I was healing. I was living in color again!!!!!

I want to share a recent divine message that I received during the tense election day that just passed. I posted this on my Facebook Page and I am sharing this to give you examples of how the these healing divine messages can pop in our every day life!

Do you receive divine messages in your waking moments? Please share with me! I would love to read another healing message! Share is fair, right?! šŸ™‚

Thank you for reading my post! Big Hugs!


Facebook Post 11-3-2020

After I drop off my son Seanie B at school, I park and do my morning meditation “thing” in my car, in front of the statue of Mother Mary. I always park in the same spot every day, but my spot was taken today. I was kinda bummed until I saw ……”The Rose”. This beautiful, magical, magenta rose, who was overshadowed by these two big overpowering bushes, had a message for me. And this message is to be shared because I know it will resonate with others. Thank you šŸ™‚

The Rose

This ā€˜roseā€™ bud is for youā€, I hear in my heart. Bring in the magenta energy today.

This rose is in full bloom, and so are you. Choose to bloom. You are enough. You are beauty. You are light. You do not need validation from others. Your beauty and light is represented in this single rose in bloom. You are magical, beautiful, pure, vibrant, special, strong, and love-ly. And that is enough. That is all you need.

This IS you: The rose. Feel and sense this magenta rose deep in your heart. Breathe it in. The thorns in the stem were needed. They were to help you grow and bloom. They make you who you are today…. the vibrant flower. Honor your thorns. Love your thorns. But know…. you are not your thorns. Your thorns make you the whole rose……when you choose to bloom and shine.

The two big ā€œbushesā€ in front of you make it very hard to bloom and stay vibrant. Otherā€™s thorns are poking one another. Just continue to do your thing. Be the rose. See and observe what is happening. And just be an example that blooming is possible amidst the big bushes and the thorn war.

When we believe it. See it. Feel it. It happens. It is time to bloom.
